Sick building syndrome

Sick building syndrome (SBS) is a prevalent ailment identified by the National Safety Council as:

Building occupants suffer negative health consequences due to their time spent in the building.

Symptoms associated with a particular room or area of the building.

A building that may have been inadequately maintained or utilized inconsistently with the original design.


Sick building syndrome symptoms include irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat, abrupt headaches, dizziness and nausea, dry itchy skin, and/or dry cough, in addition to acute discomfort, which can lead to absenteeism and impaired productivity. Employees may also have psychological symptoms such as odor sensitivity, weariness, and difficulty concentrating.

Where does it originate?

If personnel become ill but feel better after leaving the facility, there may be contamination someplace in the structure. One of the leading causes of sick building syndrome is poor ventilation; Additional variables include the following.

Interior Air Pollution

Chemicals, astringents, cleaning supplies, glues, and fuels used in manufacturing plants can impact indoor air quality. Employees can inhale these substances, whether they are a byproduct of activities or used to keep the operation clean.

Pesticides used in agriculture can make people or animals sick.

Indoor air is not appropriately mixed or cleaned by air conditioning systems.

Indoor Air Pollution Caused by Outdoor Pollution:

Motor vehicle and building exhaust, combustion fumes, tobacco smoke, and other contaminants can enter and be breathed just as easily as fresh air.

Bacteria, viruses, molds, mildew, pollen, and other allergens congregate and reproduce in standing water, ducts, and humidifiers. Bacteria can accumulate in fabrics, ceiling tiles, carpets, and insulation and pose a health risk.

What Should You Do?

The problem, origin, symptoms, and diagnostic procedures to detect sick building syndrome is complicated since various factors can cause symptoms. However, most experts agree that the main reason is poor air quality, as well as a lack of sufficient ventilation and circulation.

To determine the source, perform tests to identify and isolate harmful gases, germs, molds, and other known chemicals. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)has set standards covering the causes and conditions of air pollution to improve air quality and reduce particles. These standards recommend installing improved filters in air conditioning units and performing routine maintenance checks.

Furthermore, heating and cooling systems may be insufficient for the building's purpose. The system should follow the suggestions of ASHRAE, which is the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers.

The Crucial Role of Ventilation

AmeriWind High volume, low-speed (HVLS) air fans effectively improve indoor air quality. The company's aerodynamic blades range in size from 10 to 30 feet in diameter and produce massive columns of air that descend to the floor and travel out in a 360-degree floor jet circulation.

This process flattens the air and changes its molecular structure, which cools the area and lowers humidity. HVLS fans can be placed to improve overall air quality and temperature, or to process air in and near identified polluted areas. 

Ameriwind HVLS fans will:

  • Reduce your energy bills by 20%.
  • Reduce humidity and the microorganisms that thrive on it.
  • Reduce or remove ducts.
  • Increase natural ventilation and remove dirty air.
  • Examine Ameriwind's HVLS fans to determine which fan is suitable for your facility and how it might help cure sick building syndrome in a cost-effective manner.

Using an Ameriwind fan in the winter is a great way to save energy and money while providing a more comfortable environment for your employees. Contact us today at 610-987-0488 to learn more about how we can help you create a custom big fan solution for your space.